- Contoh Purchase Order Pdf
- Contoh Purchase Order Form
- Contoh Purchase Order Malaysia
- Contoh Purchase Order Dalam Bahasa Inggris
- Contoh Purchase Order Word
13+ Sample purchase order format in Excel, PDF and Doc: Purchase order or PO is a Business document (Not legal) sent by the buyer for the intent of letting the seller know about the procurement of goods and services they want to receive. This form of the document is only for the communication and ‘forwarding instruction’ purpose and could not be treated as a legal contract. By generating a purchase order buyer conveys his specific demands of the product/service and by accepting that PO seller agrees to process that particular goods/service with the specified criteria and price. Once the product is delivered to the buyer he can cross-check the product with the specification which has been mentioned in the purchase order.
All the purchase order format available could be customized according to the situation and needs of the ordered party i.e buyer. The user can easily edit the Purchase order format and customized font, figures, colors, headings and can also add extra fields and columns when needed. After the modification of these purchase order format, the user can save these at there local drive for further use. The user can also print out the Purchase order copy for the reference purpose and can also cross verify with the invoice sent by the seller with the product delivery.
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- By generating a purchase order buyer conveys his specific demands of the product/service and by accepting that PO seller agrees to process that particular goods/service with the specified criteria and price.
- Contoh Purchase Order. Purchase Order atau faktur pembelian merupakan salah satu bukti pembelian yang dilakukan oleh konsumen yang dikeluarkan atau dibuat oleh pihak penjual. Purchase Order sudah disediakan di Zahir Accounting. Pengguna dapat menginput terlebih dahulu Purchase Order atau dapat juga didahului dengan tahap Permintaan Barang di.
A purchase order (PO) is an official document that is created by a buyer indicating the list of specific items they want to purchase from a seller. Normally, a purchase order does include the type of goods/service, their quantities as well as prices.
Simple Purchase Order Format in Excel Format
Purchase Order Format For Free Download (Word)
Purchase Order Format For Free Customization (Word)
Important elements of a standard purchase order format:
Though purchase order is not a legal contract between seller and buyer but it still has some important elements in it which roughly serves the purpose of a transactional agreement. A standard purchase order format should have following fields/elements in it:
- Name and logo of Issuing Business/Entity: Every purchase order should have a clear mention of the Business name and logo of the issuing party i.e buyer. It could be placed on the top left or right corner of the document for early and proper visualization.
- Date of the issue: As purchase order carries the specific instruction of the product description price and expected date of delivery so it should have a clear mention of the date of Purchase order issue.
- Address of Buyer: Another important element of a standard purchase order is clear mentioned of an address of the purchase order issuer preferably right below the business name.
- Name of the seller/Provider: This is another important field should be mentioned clearly in the standard purchase order format. Seller name and address must be clearly indicated for the seller to accept the Purchase Order.
- Item Specification and description: This is one of the crucial fields of any standard purchase order. Buyer should clearly mention the exact specification of the goods or service he intends to receive. Clear instruction should be given for different product that should easily be distinguished and easily followed by the receiving party. A brief Product description is expected to included in it as well.
- Item quantity: Quantity of each specified goods/service should be clearly mentioned in this field.
- Rate (Item per Unit): This is a standard mentioned of the unit rate of the order goods which buyer intend to receive. The actual selling price could be decided later by the discussion between both parties.
- Total Amount: The Estimated rate of the total ordered goods/service should be mentioned here.
- Delivery location: This field contains the address of the place where the buyer wants to take the physical delivery of the ordered product. Not necessarily it has to be the registered address of the buyer and that is why it should be clearly included in the Purchase Order format.
- Purchase Order Number: If a buyer is issuing series of a Purchase order to a specific provider (Could be different sellers as well) then he may include a Purchase Order Number to keep track of the goods or service ordered.
- Other details: This field could be customized and included according to the needs of the buyer.
- Delivery terms: Buyer can include particular delivery terms he wants to imply in this field.
- Signature of Issuing designated authority: In this field, a signature of the issuing designated authority(normally the purchase manager or the Owner himself) should be there.
- PO Validity Period – Buyer can include this filed in the Purchase order if he wants to put any delivery time condition of the order.
- Tax Details: Any tax authorized number could be included here.
- Additional note: In this field buyer can leave any additional note as a reference for the seller.
Sample Purchase Order Format Form (Word)
Sample Purchase Order Format Template (Excel)
Purchase Order Request Letter Format (PDF Free Download)
Purchase Order Format in Excel
Local Purchase Order Format in Microsoft Word
Standard PO Order Format
DRAFT Purchase Order Form Format ( PDF)
Standard Service Purchase Order Format (PDF)
Blank Purchase Order format with instruction (PDF)
Machine Purchase Order Format Template (PDF)
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Key Difference between Purchase Order form and Order Form Template?
There is a basic fundamental difference between Purchase Order Form and Order Form. The buyer who issues the purchase order has the complete liberty to propose the Special Pricing for the product he’s going to offer along with exact quantity and other specific information. On the other hand, after getting the order form business has to procure order according to the needs and instruction of the vendor and receiver has almost little to no authority. So it is always a prudent act to opt for purchase order template and ask the suppliers if they are comfortable with the purchase order form. If yes, then you can use any standard purchase order form which serves your business needs and have all the important ingredients which we have mentioned above and harness the real utility of Purchase order form.

This purchase order (PO) template for Excel is a simple and budget-friendly solution for your business. If you need to create purchase orders, you may not need special software. If you already use Excel or Google Sheets, just download our Purchase Order Template and customize it to create an order form with your contact and shipping information.
This PO template was created based on our original sales invoice template, so buyers and sellers can benefit from using similar tools. If you are a vendor and need a purchase order form template for your customers to use, you can simply point them to this page.
Purchase Order Template
for Excel, OpenOffice, and Google Sheets'No installation, no macros - just a simple spreadsheet' - by Jon Wittwer
⤓ Excel (.xlsx)⤓ Google SheetsOther Versions
License: Private Use (not for distribution or resale)
Contoh Purchase Order Pdf
To create a purchase order, follow these steps:
- Customize the purchase order spreadsheet by adding your company's name, contact, and shipping information.
- Add the seller's contact information in the Vendor section.
- Save a backup copy of your file (perhaps a separate copy for each major vendor).
- After you complete the order form, save a copy for archival purposes.
- Save the PO as a PDF file and email it to your supplier.
You can use the Purchase Order Tracker spreadsheet to keep track of the POs that you create. Doing this will also help you know what PO# to assign to the next order.
⤓ DownloadLicense: Private Use
(not for distribution or resale)
This version of the purchase order template includes drop-down lists for selecting the Vendor and the Ship To location, using the technique described on the Customer List page.
What is the difference between an invoice and a purchase order?
A Purchase Order (PO) is an official order form completed by the buyer to communicate the specific services and products the buyer agrees to purchase from the seller, including descriptions, quantities and prices. An invoice is created by a seller to bill a client for products and services. A purchase order is not a bill.
When the seller accepts the purchase order, it becomes a legally binding agreement between the seller and buyer. The seller will then prepare an invoice as either a receipt for payment already recieved, or to request payment. When a PO is used, the invoice should include the PO Number as a reference. When products are shipped, the seller includes a packing slip in the package which should reference the PO Number and/or Invoice Number.
The purpose of a purchase order is to communicate exactly what you want to buy from the seller, how you want the order and shipment handled, and to provide an official record (i.e. contract) that can help protect both the buyer and seller if there are problems with the the payment or delivery. A purchase order system is especially important in a business when multiple people are handling purchases, inventory, and accounting.
Related Order and Invoice Templates
How to Use and Fill Out the Purchase Order Template

Values within [brackets] are meant to be replaced with your company (the buyer) or vendor (the seller) information. Below are descriptions of fields used in the worksheet:
Contoh Purchase Order Form
- [Company Name]: The main title and address listed at the top of the order form is for the buyer - the company requesting the order.
- P.O.#: The Purchase Order number is used by the buyer to track their POs.
- Vendor: The name and address of the vendor (the seller).
- Ship To: Your company's name and address - where you want the products to be shipped to.
- Requisitioner: The name of the person ordering the products (the buyer). This person is usually the contact listed at the bottom of the order form.
- Ship Via: The method of shipment such as 'UPS Ground', 'Federal Express', that the buyer is requesting.
- F.O.B.: This stands for 'Free On Board' which is usually 'Destination' or 'Shipping Point'. For more information, see F.O.B. at wikipedia.com
- Shipping Terms: This field is usually used for payment terms such as the method of payment or when the payment is due (usually set by the vendor or seller). Details that don't fit within the Terms field can be described in more detail in the Special Instructions block.
For general information about purchase orders, see Wikipedia.com.
Contoh Purchase Order Malaysia
How to Send a Purchase Order to a Supplier
Contoh Purchase Order Dalam Bahasa Inggris
The recommended way to send the completed PO to a vendor is to email a PDF version of the document. Excel allows you to easily convert your worksheet to a PDF by using Save As and selecting PDF from the type list. If using Google Sheets, go to File > Download As > PDF Document (.pdf). You can also print out the PO and mail it to the supplier if emailing isn't an option.
If you are a Vendor or Supplier and want to send a pre-completed purchase order template to a specific client (containing your address info for example), you may do so provided that the TermsOfUse and/or © worksheet is not hidden, removed, or modified, and as long as you don't put the spreadsheet on the internet. You are welcome to create a printable PO as a PDF file and put that on your website for your clients to use, but we'd prefer that you simply refer them to this page to download their own spreadsheet.